Roundtable Discussions on 'The Australian Tax System'

Date : 02 February 2023

Location : Ashok Hotel, New Delhi

Topic : The Australian Tax System - Fair or Frightening

Moderator : Mr. Steve Douglas, Chairman, SMATS Group

The Chamber organised a Roundtable Discussion on ‘The Australian Tax System - Fair or Frightening’ for the SMATS Group (a member of the Chamber) on 2 February 2023 in New Delhi. Mr. Arijit Banarji, represented IACC’s Northern India Chapter Committee, in New Delhi. The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Steve Douglas, Chairman, SMATS Group who shared expert insights on taxation issues for Australian expatriates and intended migrants to Australia. He discussed the mechanics, pitfalls, and opportunities of the Australian taxation system for those living in, investing in or intending to move to Australia.